Sunday, February 3, 2008

Quilt Catch-Up

We have had some wonderful quilts donated by guild members and I've gotten behind in posting them. Here are some from this past fall. Thank you! A few are made from kits, but others were lovingly made from scratch.

Here's a cute panel quilt:
And two fleece quilts:

Some music-loving child will adore this piano-key quilt:
This strip quilt has lots of kid-friendly colors and favorite characters -- quick and easy to make, and very much appreciated!

Our Easy Squares kits use donated fabrics. The variety of prints provides lots of interest -- a child can spend a long time discovering just what all is on his quilt.
This squre baby quilt uses a sophisticated star block -- you might consider looking through your own orphan blocks to see whether you can make a Linus quilt.
Nine-patches alternating with plain squares can make so many different quilts. This one has a unity brought about by similar colors, yet all the scrappy fabrics make it fun to examine each block.
This lovely, scrappy quilt is made from rows of off-set squares in coordinating colors. Just beautiful!

And here are two rail frence quilts -- so different because of fabric choices!

And here's a sweet and simple baby quilt.

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