Friday, June 27, 2008

Girl Scouts donate to PL!

Marilyn N's teenage daughter Amanda's Girl Scout troop wanted to do a service project, so Marilyn volunteered to work with them to make quilts for Project Linus. Marilyn helped them "shop" the guild's Project Linus stash, and the girls chose wonderful fabrics for three quilts.
Marilyn chose simple patterns because the girls were just learning to sew. The one above is a crazy four-patch. It's so much fun in the fabrics they chose!

They also made a quilt of squares, but it's lively and fun with all the polkadots and bright colors!

This quilt alternates rail fence blocks with squares for an easy but complicated-looking pattern. A Brownie troop helped with tying the quilts, and Marilyn finished the edges. The girls did a fabulous job, and had a blast doing it! Thanks, Scouts, and thank you Marilyn for putting in the time and energy to make this happen. There are three children out there who will very much appreciate all your efforts.


Anonymous said...

It was really fun :)

Sheila said...

What an amazing amount of love for Project Linus. I have been through your entire blog archive and am inspired by the quilts you donate.