Every block will be different. We have some nighttime skies, some with sun, some with fluffy clouds. The grasses are a variety of greens, and the houses are, well, wild! If you'd like to make some blocks to contribute, click the HGTV link above for directions. The cutting directions are a little confusing because the pieces are labeled A,B,C, etc., instead of "house," "sky," or "grass," so I'll give you my notes to help you get started:
Fabric A - Roof and Door*
one 4-1/2" x 12-1/2" rectangle (roof)
one 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangle (*door -- but we're fussy cutting people or animals)
Fabric B - Sky
two 4-1/2" squares
Fabric C - House
two 5-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles
one 2-1/2" square
Fabric D - Grass
one 2-1/2" x 12-1/2" rectangle
The block finishes at 12" square (12-1/2" with seam allowances).
Have fun! We hope to see you at the work night. We'll also have string blocks to make and you can always work on one of our kits or bring your own project if you prefer. See you there!